Sex, a function that is generally unavoidable, must be made into a source of happiness, not pain. Happiness is healing, joy, and longevity; correct sex yields infinite happiness. Pain is incurable disease, depression, and death; incorrect sex yields infinite pain. Correct sex spreads happiness among individuals, their progeny, and society. Incorrect sex—sex used as a weapon against others, as a license for promiscuity, or as an immoral profit generator—causes social decay. Taoist Sexology—sex taught and practiced in accordance with the principles of Taoism—paves a pathway of righteousness.
The pathway paved with knowledge and wisdom provided by Taoist Sexology that ends at physical, mental, and spiritual elevation lead the individual through extraordinary territories of experience. Upon embarking on this journey, the practitioner will immediately see the horizons of his or her health, happiness, and success stretch into infinity.
Many Taoist classics such as Su Nu Ching by the Yellow Emperor explain the hidden, higher purpose of reproduction and joy-making, called the Tao of Sex Wisdom. Unknown to most people, sex is vital to mankind’s spiritual elevation.
Su Nu Ching, or “Classic of the White Madam,” is the basic book of Taoist Sexology. It contains secrets which help humanity enjoy life, improve life, love life, and benefit from life. Specifically, it provides methods which heighten, intensify, and prolong lovemaking to strengthen the bond of love between a couple, so that the nucleus of the family may be strengthened. Methods which improve progeny intelligence, beauty, wisdom, health, and morality are provided in addition to methods which improve and unify the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of the individual. In the past, many of these promises were fulfilled for those who were fortunate enough to use Taoist Sexology methods.
Unfortunately for thousands of years, political, philosophical, and religious cliques monopolized the key to decoding the book’s classical calligraphic text. Severe restriction of readership prevented many from reading, understanding, or interpreting the book. Therefore, satisfactory translations of the book were difficult to find and many sexology teachings that were widely shared were distorted, incomplete, and unreliable. All other Taoist classics, such as Yu-Fang Mi Chue (Secrets in the Jade Chamber), San Feng Tan Chue (The Healing Techniques of Master Chang San-Feng), Ching Cheng Mi Chao (The Sacred Records of Mt. Ching-Cheng), Kung Tung Mi Tien (The Sacred Manuscripts of Mt. Kung-Tung), Shuan Wei Hsing Yin (The Sacred Seal in the Heart), and Yi Hsing Fang (Medicine in the Heart), shared similar histories. It was a shame that these much-needed philosophical treasures were buried under such selfishness and incompetence.
1) A book on the Tao of Sex Wisdom should be useful to a reader for the rest of his or her life. As experience accumulates, a greater understanding of the teachings results, and continued analysis is encouraged.
2) Sexual complexes and problems should be resolved as the sexual act becomes a means of spiritual and mental elevation, as the relationship between the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the body is made clear. Morality must be lifted to a new height.
3) A proper balance of practical experiences and theories should be provided to make learning and understanding exciting, because no theory in this book should ever be empty.
From observation of the reproductive process, Taoists discovered that the sexual glands were endowed with God’s power to create and God’s intelligence to organize life. In fact they knew that God was life, that He was the life force that animated all living things, that He was the motor of creative processes, and that He was the intelligence responsible for life engineering and cellular self-repair. They also knew that the sexual glands could be used as a source of life force for their own bodies. These realizations caused Taoists to create a complete system of methods and techniques called the Tao of Sexology. With that Taoists hoped to elevate self-healing to its fullest potential, to energize the whole body to defy time. By following the Tao of Sexology, mankind will eventually incarnate God’s nature to its fullest.
In Taoism the sexual organs and glands, where energy and life power are concentrated and generated, are referred to as the “stove.” This term underscores our dependence on sexual energy. We depend on the sexual gland to support our mental and physical functions as we depend on the stove to cook food. Without a stove, nothing can be cooked or eaten and life will end. Likewise, life will end when non-/dysfunctional sexual glands cause the mental and physical aspects of the body to become non-/dysfunctional.
The importance of the sexual glands as the motor of rejuvenation cannot be over-emphasized. If sexual glands producing hormones (the “fire” which help rejuvenate cells and tissues of the sexual glands) function improperly, cell/tissue regeneration and mental/physical performance fail. When the mental and physical aspects of the body become tired, depressed, or negative, more problems or diseases arise. Then the aging process begins. All of these problems can be prevented or corrected by properly functioning sexual organs.
When the machinery of rejuvenation is activated through the practice of Taoist Sexology, aging can be prevented. And when aging is prevented, death is prevented. The age-old search for the fountain of youth may end here, for Taoists believe that immortality can be attained by transforming the physical body through continuous rejuvenation.
Not only is the Tao of Sexology a fountain of youth, but it also is a refreshing solution that reconciles the common dilemma between response to one’s sexual desires and devotion to one’s spiritual aspirations. On one hand, some social influences promote the release of sexual instincts at the animalistic level only. On the other hand, many religions stifle or denounce sexual activity to promote spirituality. Release of sexual desires results in many problems, such as venereal diseases. Stifling of sexual desires leaves people unsatisfied, for they are not bodiless spirits as long as they live on earth. Neither approach satisfies people’s needs, because human beings have both physical instincts and spiritual aspirations. Taoism eliminates this dilemma by allowing the sexual instincts to serve a spiritual purpose. The Tao of Sexology techniques provide a direct, tangible experience of God. By sharing true love, giving true love and receiving true love, two people learn to understand the nature of God. To experience love is to experience God.
(The specific techniques involve acupuncture points and nerve reflexology. They allow the couple to merge their energy at the level of their respective organs and awaken their intuitive and spiritual centers.)
Unfortunately many people think sex is dirty or sinful. Because they were not taught about the relationship between sex and spirituality, they were cut off from a vital means of experiencing and understanding God. Hence, many must find other ways of getting closer to God, but in the course of their search many will develop sexual complexes, which frustrate their spiritual aspirations. True Taoist methods like those of Taoist Sexology help us look within ourselves for Godliness, while securing our independence from man-made temples, priests, rituals, etc. Unlike certain religions, which rely upon faith and prayer as the only means of helping the followers, Taoism places great emphasis upon active practice. To Taoists, knowledge and self-discipline are sufficient for mastering the methods of direct communication with God.
Because the information, tested and used for 6,000 years, would help anyone lead a longer, happier, healthier, and wiser life.
The ancient Taoists were not ethereal, abstract philosophers. They were very practical, scientific people. If a technique did not work, they discarded it. If a better one was developed, they used it. They did not promise their students that great benefits awaited them after death; great benefits were immediately reaped upon utilization of Taoist techniques.
What is a Taoist? Anyone who has a desire to live longer, happier, healthier, and wiser is a Taoist. Anyone who seeks and practices something in order to achieve these goals is a good Taoist. And good Taoists have everlasting lives. Because Taoism is the only philosophy that deals with immortality.
Presently, there are many saints and holy men in India and China who are not limited by space or time. In Chinese historical records, one can find the detailed personal histories of 2,000 Taoists who have been spiritualized.
Sex is inevitably and undeniably a part of the process of immortalization.


About the author: ChineseHerbalAdviser