From the 3rd century before JC, in ancient China, circulate books of sexual receipts: the “sex hand books”, collections of receipts for a sexual life corresponding to the principles of Tao. The expression “The Tao of love” refers to this art of living.
According to Tao, an active and satisfactory sexual life represents indeed a sort of life insurance. The more we plunge with enjoyment there, the more we increase one’s longevity, and prestige. The sexuality is certainly aimed at reproduction, but also has both hedonist and especially more spiritual roots. The fulfillment of ones  spirituality goes hand in hand with one’s active and satisfying sexual life. The Tao of love appears in ancient China at the time when the society evolves from matriarchy towards the patriarchy, men and women are then on an equal footing as sexual partners. The sexuality is never considered as a sin, but as a natural phenomenon.
The Taoism is interested in the woman’s pleasure, the role of the man is to lead her to it, that supposes from his part of the control of his excitement, the control of the ejaculation, and needs a good sense of self awareness. The way of Tao is that of the harmony and the balance, nobody would be frustrated in the sexual exchange … Numerous symbols then became linked to the representation of the man and the woman: Man is thus the white Tiger and the woman the Green Dragon. Little by little, the prudish Confucianism will attribute to the man a disproportionate ascendancy. Nevertheless, the handbooks of sex will not be stored in the wall cupboard, but designed for couple sex and love education and more particularly intended for the men.
Originally, the term “yin” indicates all which relates to the sex, it is only later that we attribute a purely feminine meaning. The expression “yin tao” means  “principles of sexual life “. These manuals highlight the inexhaustible source of energy which represents the woman, and thus, while drawing to this spring the man increases his own vitality and can even become immortal. To put into practice these principles, the man has to have numerous partners and satisfy them all … The sexual intercourse symbolizes the union of the Earth and the Sky.

The manuals of sex deal with the best way of making love, of prolonging the sexual act, to easily reach pleasure, to have a descent and to preserve a good health. These books are completely practical, illustrated with precise drawings, they are intended for the novice couples, the advice addresses as much the man as the woman, but this one is often presented in initiator’s role, doubtless in reference to a very ancient matriarchy. Sex and Love Manual is a part of the trousseau of the fiancée …

The book of Sou Nu, also called “The girl of the innocence” was never found, but it is quoted as reference in a collection of biographies of immortal characters attributed awarded to Lieo Hsiang (77 – 6 before JC). The 63rd biography stages a woman named Nu Ki, manageress of a bar which one day welcomes an immortal who was traveling. As payment for her famous beverages, he offered her the Book of the Girl of Innocence.
When she read it, she understood that it explained the art to feed nature and that of the sexual relations. She copied out the important passages, and secretly made fit out a hidden bedroom in her back shop. When it was made, she received beautiful young people there which came to sample her liqueurs there and to lend themselves to the exercises advised in the book. The legend said that, after thirty years of this diet, Nu Ki seemed even younger, fresher than in her twenties. The immortal visited her once again and says to her: “to steal Tao and to study it without a boss, it is to like having wings and not being capable of flying” Then, Nu Ki left together with immortal, nobody have ever seen them again…

Sou-Nu was the most famous initiators of the emperor Houang-Ti, thanks to her invaluable handbook which explains in detail the reactions of the woman and what the man has to do to lead her to the orgasm. Sou-Nu describes 5 typical reactions:
” If the woman wishes the union, the man sees her breathing modifies.
If she wishes that he penetrates into her, the nostrils dilate and her mouth half-opens.
If she wishes that the tide of the Yin rises, her body shivers and she strictly tightens him in her arms.
If she longs ardently to be completely satisfied, she abundantly transpires.
If her desire is fulfilled, her body relaxes and she closes her eyes as if she soundly slept. ”
The informed reader, can usefully compare these descriptions with the observations of Masters and Johnson …
The sex and love manuals were illustrated and stayed near the bed, so that the couple can consult them and use them extensively. The oldest of these handbooks, belongs to Han time, and appear in the form of dialogues between the Emperor and one of his initiators, even also a Boss. These works inspired by Tao collect the approval of the Confucians because they are supposed to concern only the sexual relations in couple… There is however another viewpoint on these books: an esoteric and alchemical reading.

Worth noting that all varieties of rape, masochism, cruelty, perversions are extremely rarely shown or discussed in the ancient Chinese books. The Taoism asserted that the man and the woman could increase their energy, and their longevity by making love. The right way!


About the author: ChineseHerbalAdviser