We know that probably you are fed up with medical terminology, you had enough of it, that is why we want to get to the point right away: there is the way. The solution is residing dormant in your own body. Your body is built to have sex for hours and days with little breaks for lemonade.
By simply improving the balance of energy and replenishing the batteries in your body with Chinese supplements you can regain the sexual power.
It is all there in your body. Always been there. Now you can use this potential over and over and over again.

Premature ejaculation refers to situations when men ejaculate right after or even before intercourse

There is no common definition on how long a normal duration should be, but 1 or 2 minutes or less is most likely not to satisfy both sexual partners. Premature ejaculation is hardly considered as a disease and may be improved by mental adjustment in most cases. So far, there is no drug treatment approved by FDA.
Traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) have long considered premature ejaculation as a medical condition and deal with it similarly with impotence because premature ejaculation often associates with or develops into impotence. Thus Chinese herbal medicines directed at impotence are generally applicable to premature ejaculation as well.

Premature ejaculation in TCM’s terms often results from a weak function of the kidney if stress or anxiety is not the cause. A weak kidney means an insufficiency of Yin, Yang, or both. Yin and Yang are the essence of life and represent the womanish and mannish side of it respectively. Their robust interaction and balance forms the foundation of health. What Yin and Yang is in modern biomedical terms is not yet known.
However, signs of Yin or Yang deficiency are well defined in TCM and the Chinese herbs that work efficiently to relieve them are well documented.
These Kidney deficiencies do NOT indicate kidney disease in the Western sense.

A sign for the kidney deficiency and its cause in premature ejaculation is the weakness and soreness of the lower back and knees. It typically worsens after sexuality or masturbation. Kidney deficiencies are usually caused by spending, over time, more energy than is transformed from food. The body then “taps
its reserves”, and over time, depletes them. Contributing to this can be excessive energy spent on physical trauma, overwork, excessive sexual activity,
and emotional stress. Poor or insufficient sleep, failure to rejuvenate through rest or vacation, or congenital deficiencies also can play a part.

This can result in low sex drive, impotence, erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or premature ejaculation. It is sometimes accompanied by a sense of fatigue which is largely unrelieved by sleep or by weakness in the lower back or lower body. Signs often include loss of sex desire or libido, cold feeling in the limbs even in the summer, lassitude, and/or pale face.  If you have those symptoms and premature ejaculation, you need to take
The Men’s Sexual Support: Zhuang Yang Wan or Men’s Sexual Improvement Pill: Sea Dog Pills.

Men or women with signs of “heat”, women with vaginal dryness, or men who have low fluid volume in their ejaculate, sweat, hay fever, dizziness, thirst, and/or tinnitus, the sex desire may be normal or even high but the erection is not firm as well as premature ejaculation happens.
In such case you need to take Golden Book Herbal Extract: Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan, Restore the Right Kidney Pill: You Gui Wan or Restore the Left Kidney pill: Zuo Gui Wan, depending upon your symptoms. Call doctor Qiqing Li to discuss your particular situation.




About the author: ChineseHerbalAdviser